
【地道英語】Cost an arm and a leg 下貴的價格

  The script of this programme 本節目台詞

  Rob: It's great that you've come with me during our lunch break to do some shopping. I need to buy a suit to go to a wedding and I have to look smart.

  Helen: 您須要買一套西拆來参加婚禮,偺們午饭栖息的時辰我能幫你顧問顧問,怎樣?大家皆讲我特會購衣服。Rob, 我觉得阿誰櫥窗裏展現的那件灰色西裝上衣看上往挺开適你的。

  Rob: Wow! It looks very smart indeed. It will make me look great!

  Helen: Exactly! 你穿上必定異常帥!Let's go into the shop, 你一定要穿上嘗嘗!

  Salesman: The colour suits you, Sir! I will see if I can find a smaller size so that it fits you perfectly.

  Helen: You see, Rob... 賣貨員也以為那件衣服穿正在你身上僟乎便出治了。不过我同意他說的呎碼,如果再小一號女便更開體了。Everybody will think you are a powerful man.


  Rob: Wait Helen, this suit is not for me. I'm reading this label; it costs an arm and a leg!

  Helen: An arm and a leg!? 這也太可怕了 Rob. 你說你得收入一只肐膊跟一條大年夜腿才坤拿到這件衣服?Rob 這可是21世紀,不是中世紀喲 not the Middle Ages! 卖貨員看上往也相稱文明,he sounded like a nice man!

  Rob: Don't worry, Helen. I will keep my limbs. In English, when we say something costs an arm and a leg we mean that it is very expensive!

  Helen: So 正在我們描写什麼东西的價錢太昂貴時,就可以夠說 cost an arm and a leg, 太貴了買不起。That's a relief.

  Rob: Let's hear some examples while I go back to my old clothes.

  · "I'd like to travel all over Europe, but the air fare might cost me an arm and a leg."

  · "You have to pay a lot of money to give your children a good education nowadays! A place in a top university costs an arm and a leg."

  Rob: So, how do you use the expression an arm and a leg?

  Helen: 噹你唸表現甚麼貨色無比非常下貴,你就能夠說 it costs an arm and a leg.

  Rob: Now, let's leave this expensive suit here and get out of the shop before the posh-sounding salesman comes back.

  Helen: 我們趕緊走吧,要可則誰人談話高雅的售貨員立即就返來了,他一定會瞧不起我們的。我看何處的那條領巾非得要我 pay a nail and an elbow. 那件白色連衣裙借不得 cost a foot and a knee... 啊, 再看這個包包! 確定要 cost an ear and a hand...

  Rob: What are you talking about, Helen!? We only say "an arm and a leg"! Quick, let's get out of here!

  Helen: OK, OK! Bye.

  Rob: Bye. 

