

  Athens (雅典):The City Of Jasmines (茉莉花城)
  Berne (伯尒僧):The City Of Clocks And Watches (鍾表城)
  Brazil (巴西):The Country Of Coffee (咖啡國)
  Canada (减拿大年夜):The Country Of Maple Leaves (楓葉國)
  Ecuador (厄瓜多我):The Equatorial Country (赤講國)
  Egypt (埃及):The Country Of The Pyramids (金字塔國)
  Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亞):The Barefoot Country (赤足國)
  Ghana (加納):The Country Of Cocoa (可可國)
  Guba (古巴):The Country Of Sugarcane (瘔蔗國)

  Japan (日本):The Country Of Cherries (櫻花國)
  Jerusalem (耶路灑熱):The Holy City (聖城)
  Lima (利馬):The City Of Drought (坤澇城)
  London (倫敦):The City Of Fog (霧皆)
  Lusaka (盧莎卡):The City Of Copper (銅城)
  Malaysia (馬往西亞):The Rubber Country (橡膠國)
  Mexico (朱西哥):The Cactus Country (仙人掌國)
  Mexico City (墨西哥城):The City Of Frescoes (壁繪城)
  New York (紐約):Big Apple (年夜蘋果城)
  Panama (巴拿馬):The Butterfly Country(蝴蝶國)

  Singapore (新減坡):The Country Of Gardens (花园國)
  Tunisia (突僧斯):The Olive Country (橄欖國)
  Venice (威尼斯):The City Of Water (水城)
  Washington(華衰頓):The City Of Snow (雪城)
  Wellington (惠靈頓):The City Of Wind (風城)

