

 How to Rise Above
  Presume goodwill. “This gives the other person a face-saving way to change his or her behavior. Any diplomat will tell you that the way to negotiate is to give people a graceful way to do what you want them to do,” says Judith Martin, author of Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior
  How to Nail an Interview
  Become the solution. When embarking on a job search in today’s tough times, many people still stick to refining their résumés and honing their people skills. Experience is good. Strong interpersonal skills are great. Integrity matters. But the thing that makes all the difference today is presenting yourself as a problem solver.
  How to Make an Impression
  Mario Vittone, a chief warrant officer with the Coast Guard, lost his father as a child. But before the elder Vittone died, he wrote his young son a letter that made an indelible mark. Vittone explains why we should all put pen to paper for the next generation.
  How to Be Funnier
  Know thy audience. “Your audience will tell you where to go," says Bob Newhart. "One time I happened to use the word denigrate onstage, and it didn’t get any reaction. So as I continued my act, the left side of my brain was fast-forwarding to see if I had any other big words coming up.”
  How to Use 15 Minutes
  Get up earlier. A quarter hour makes all the difference in catching that train, enjoying a cup of coffee, or (finally) packing your lunch.
  How to Stop Being Late
  Expert organizer Julie Morgenstern suggests you penalize yourself to break the habit. Fill an envelope with 100 one-dollar bills, then each time you are late, give the person who has been waiting for you $1 for every minute he’s been waiting. If that doesn’t work, use $5 bills
  How to Spend 30 Days
  Sweat the small stuff. Pay bills,中日互譯, return e-mails, clear clutter. Tackling small tasks bolsters self-esteem―when you feel effective, you’re closer to your goal.
  How to Look Good in Photos
  Focus your eyes. just slightly above the camera lens, move your face forward a bit, and tip down your chin.
  How to Look Lively
  Pop a dissolvable breath strip. The latest versions have added caffeine, but even the ones intended to just freshen your breath are so strong, you can expect a pick-me-up.
  How to Be Polite on Facebook
  Someone tagged me in an unflattering photo. You can untag it yourself, then go into your privacy settings to choose who can view your photos.
  与報詶擅. “這即為别人保存了顏裏又能轉變他或她的止動。任何一個交際平易近都会報告你會談的方法就是給別人一個台階下,來讓他們做您唸讓他們做的事。” Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior 的做者Judith Martin說 。
  成為題目處理達人. 在现在這類艱巨時辰開端尋覓事件,很多人依然紧咬著怎麼把簡歷做好不放,細細珩磨他們的人際技巧。有閱歷很好,有強的人際關聯技术也不錯,誠信也很重要。可是噹初能讓你顯得分歧凡是響的是展现出你是一個擅長處寘成勣的人。
  Mario Vittone是海岸巡防署的一級准尉,他正在童年時丧父。但在老Vittone去世前,他給女子寫了一启疑,這給兒子留下了易以磨滅的记忆。Vittone說明說這便是為何偺們皆應噹提筆給後輩寫點甚麼。
  曉得說話的东西是誰。“你的聽众會告诉你你該怎樣做“Bob Newhart讲講。"有一次在台上我掽勁用到毀謗這個詞,它不引發任何的反应。因此在我持續我的上演時,我左腦就不斷的思慮來看我是不是找到別的的大年夜詞.”
  夙起. 一刻鍾能改動一切,能赶上一班列車,咀嚼一杯咖啡,或(最后)打包好午飯方便。
  專業組織者 Julie Morgenstern 倡議你用處分你自己的办法往戒除這個習慣。正在一個疑啟裏拆上100張一好圓的鈔票,而後每遲到一次,給等待你的人每等分鍾一好元。如果那皆不能見傚,便用5美圆的鈔票。
  讓你單眼集焦. 刚好微微在相機的鏡頭之上,讓你的臉稍背前靠一里,下巴尖揹下。
  應用可融化的吸吸條。 最新產物裏參减了咖啡果,但是即使這僅讓你改进吸吸狀態的貨色很有傚,你仍可乞助於提神藥物。
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