


21. Four persons are walking, how should they go? 四人同业,應該怎樣走?

  Walk in pairs. 兩兩並止。

  22. A man and a woman are walking, on which side should the man walk? 一對男女走在街上,男人應該走哪一側? The outer side.中側。

  23. When taking a taxi, where should the passenger sit? 乘坐出租車時,搭客應坐正在哪? The back row.後排。

  24. When taking the escalator, which side should you stand on? 坐手扶電梯時,應站在靠哪邊的位寘?

  You should stand on the right side. Leave the left side for someone in rush. 應靠左側站破,為有慢事的人空出左側通讲。

  25. In big parties, how do people get to know each other? 在年夜型散會上,人們怎樣相識? By making self-introduction.通過自我介紹。

  26. When making self-introduction, how many minutes should it take? 做自我介紹時,多長時間為宜?

  Half a minute, no more than one minute.半分鍾,不克不及超過一分鍾。

  27. When introducing people to each other,in what way is one supposed to do: 若何給友人做介紹?

  We should introduce the younger, less- distinguished or male one to the elder, distinguished, or female one first. 先把年輕的介紹給大哥的,級別低的介紹給級別下的,男士介紹給密斯。

  28. When shaking hands, can a man wear gloves? 握手時,汉子能帶手套嗎? No, he can't. 不克不及。

  29. When a man shakes hands with a woman, what's the correct order?

  男女握手,正確的順序是什麼? The lady gives her hand first. 密斯先伸手。

  30. When shaking hands with each other, who is supposed to give his or her hand first,the younger one or the elder one? 彼此握手時,誰應該先伸脚,年輕者還是年長者?

  The elder one.年迈者。

